Category: Underground civilization

Lizard People Underground in Los Angeles?

The Hopi Indians of northern Arizona have traditions that recall a time when their “Snake Brothers” built and occupied underground cities in Arizona, California, Mexico and Central America. Once such underworld city is believed to have been built on the west coast, near the Pacific ocean, under Los Angeles,...

Tales of the Underground

During the summer of 1998, cave explorers using scientific equipment were able to confirm that a linked cave system some 15 miles in length exists underground in North Wales. Several years ago a researcher by the name of Frank D. Adams wrote on the results of his...

Subterranean Secrets

“Not only is our government focused on building deep secret cities, but so are Illuminati families.” The beautiful artwork in ancient Spanish caves, or the catacombs in Rome remind us that man has always had an underground presence. During the 1990’s, my research repeatedly brought...

The Reptilian Underground Presence on Earth

Thousands of people vanish each year. Have they been abducted by reptilian beings that have lived inside our planet for millions of years? Have they altered our DNA? Is this why ancient worldwide civilizations worshiped serpent gods? Did a species of dinosaurs actually survive an...