Category: Aliens

Thinking Clearly About the Abduction Phenomenon

Part 1: Introduction  During a hypnotic regression early on in my research, an abductee told me that the aliens who had abducted her were deliberately shielding her from the shock of having to see what they looked like.* They were concerned about her emotional well-being and...

Telepathy and Alien Hybrids

Part 13 There is an aspect of alien society that is especially important and deserves mention. It is extremely significant that hybrids appear to bridge the gap between alien and human both in appearance and in communication. While the hybrids who look mainly alien (early-stage)...

Telepathy and Alien Emotional Life

Part 12 In a society based on telepathy and restricted emotional range, it might be difficult to experience what we would call “love.” Without a sense of self-love that comes from a sense of individuality, the aliens might have a diminished capacity to have these...

Differences Between Alien and Human Society

Part 10 In human society, much of the quality of life is dependent upon the hearing mechanism. In a society based on telepathy, it must not be assumed that the aliens have lost their ability to hear through eons of evolution; their communicative abilities might...

The Consequences of Alien-to-Alien Telepathic Communication

Part 9 The evidence suggests at least two possible scenarios for the character of alien society. The first is based on the idea of total telepathy: all aliens can monitor all other aliens’ thoughts. There are no barriers or limitations. Multileveled communication could take place...

Alien-to-Alien Communication

Part 6 In order to develop and maintain a scientifically advanced society, alien-to-alien telepathic communication must, by logic and necessity, be precise. The aliens must be able to convey advanced scientific concepts and mathematical equations on an extremely sophisticated level. Accuracy, clarity, and flexibility in...

Human-to-Alien Communication

Part 5 Humans communicate with aliens in much the same way as the aliens communicate with them. Abductees report that they are unable to fashion words with their mouths. They indicate that they are paralyzed and could not speak orally if they wanted to. Just...

Alien-to-Human Communication

Part 4 When one asks abductees what they mean by “telepathic communication,” they generally say that they receive an impression in their mind, which automatically converts it into words for comprehension. Reports from people of different nationalities indicate that the abductees convert telepathic communication into...

The Prevalence of Telepathic Communication

Part 2 Telepathic communication has been a more or less constant feature of the abduction phenomenon, since the beginning investigations.3 Like all the consistent aspects of the abduction phenomenon, this is remarkable. One would expect that in a phenomenon derived from the human psyche, a wide...

Telepathy and Emotion in Alien Society

Part 1: Introduction  Speculating about the inner workings of alien society has always been the special preserve of philosophers, science fiction authors, and scriptwriters.* Their fanciful depictions are usually projections derived from their personal upbringings, their creative powers, and the societies and technological cultures in which...