Octagon UFO Reported over Watford City, North Dakota

A slight departure from the pentagonal shape is the octagonal UFO. According to the Watford City, North Dakota, newspaper, local citizen Barb Ohnsrud and her son Kent saw an eight-sided UFO go over their house on November 2, 1978.

Each witness claimed the UFO was first seen as a bright light that quickly came down from the sky like lightning in a bad storm.

It passed overhead just 60 feet above ground and was moving quite slowly — only 25 mph.

The UFO was 40 feet across, with a large red light in the middle of the bottom surface; blue lights ringed the whole vehicle.

It had no tail, nose or propellers. After the UFO disappeared to the northeast, each of the witnesses made independent sketches.

The pentagonal/octagonal UFOs remain a mystery. No satisfactory explanation has been found to date.

To aid in this investigation, additional reports and data should be sent to Mutual UFO Network, or other reputable UFO reporting site.

(Editor’s Note: It is interesting to note that some reports of this event say the object was pentagonal, instead of octagonal. If you have ever worked with 3-D, or dealt with shapes, this would be an easy mistake to make.

Turning an object in any direction can give the object a different look or shape. For example, a disc-shaped object seen straight on can appear to be a cigar-shape, etc.)

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