Tagged: aliens

jupiter glimpsed as aliens would see it

Astronomers have observed Jupiter for centuries. But a study that looks at the gas giant as if it were an exoplanet could help to make more reliable interpretations of the atmospheres of bodies orbiting stars hundreds of light years away1. The results largely confirm the...

The aliens haven’t landed

As shown by its latest claim of ‘alien bugs’, the Journal of Cosmology has at least been an entertaining diversion, argues Philip Ball. Philip Ball The discovery of alien life might reasonably be expected to create headline news. But the media response to just such...

ET search: Look for the aliens looking for Earth

Astronomers propose hunting for civilizations on worlds that can see our planet cross the Sun. By watching how the light dims as a planet orbits in front of its parent star, NASA’s Kepler spacecraft has discovered more than 1,000 worlds since its launch in 2009....

Odds on aliens

If there are other planets like Earth out there, at least one in three probably harbours life, say two physicists in Australia. If life can arise on planets unlike ours, then the odds on finding life are even more favourable. Charles Lineweaver and Tamara Davis...

How UFOs can improve sweet cherry production

Sweet cherry growers must address many challenges to producing marketable crops, including high labor costs, pests, diseases, rain-induced cracking, and bird damage. The authors of a new study (HortScience, August 2016) say that high-density tree training systems can help growers make sweet cherry production more...