Tagged: comets

Comets: Icy Bodies in Space

Comets are some of the most stunning elements of space. These clumps of dust and ice feature amazing tails that can stretch for thousands of miles. This gallery showcases some examples of comets. The comet Hyakutake is seen in the skies over Florida. It is...

Early Humans Witnessed a Comet-scattering Stellar Encounter

Roughly 70,000 years ago, early humans may have looked up in the night sky and seen a bright reddish star flaring up that isn’t visible to the naked eye today. Called Scholz’s star — after German astronomer Ralf-Dieter Scholz who spotted it in 2013 —...

10 Best Ideas for Interplanetary Communication

Here on Earth, we’ve gotten used to pulling out a smartphone and being able to talk, text or send and receive photographs and video from virtually anywhere on the planet’s surface. Moreover, we’re increasingly dependent upon tapping into the vast, burgeoning amount of information on...

Comets Are Oxygen Factories

When Europe’s Rosetta mission detected molecular oxygen venting into space from comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in 2015, scientists were puzzled. Molecular oxygen is composed of two oxygen atoms (O2). It’s the same stuff that we breathe here on Earth, but it’s highly unstable in space. O2 is...

Early Humans Witnessed a Comet-scattering Stellar Encounter

Astronomers think Scholz’s star may have gotten within less than a light-year from our sun about 70,000 years ago. It’s the closest approach a star has ever made. JOSÉ A. PEÑAS/SINC Roughly 70,000 years ago, early humans may have looked up in the night sky...

8 Of The Greatest Comets That Visited Us And Their Next Flyby

A. Sutherland – Greek philosopher Aristotle who observed comets called them ‘stars with hair’. We often call them ‘snowballs’. These cosmic snowballs of frozen gases, rock and dust are approximately the size of a small town. The gases and dust form an gigantic tail that...