Tagged: portal

Watch: A Portal To Other Dimension

An image of a strange object taken above the Netherlands has sparked portal to another dimension theory. Dutch snapper Harry Perton was snapping pictures of stormy night skies over Groningen when a flash appeared as he snapped the shutter. Many believe it could be a...

Opening of the Lionsgate Portal August 2017

Every year the Sun, Earth and Sirius move to specific points in the sky activating the Lionsgate Portal. The Lionsgate Portal opens from July 26 to August 12, however it is at its most powerful on August 8. It is on this day that we...

Magnetic Portals Connect the Earth to the Sun

Did you know that there are portals that open and connect our planet to its Star? A magnetic portal opens and links the Earth to the sun across 150 million kilometers. Tons of high-energy particles are transmitted between the two bodies before the portal closes....

Is This Nibiru, a Galactic Ring of Fire, an Ouroboros, a Portal?

by Gregg Prescott, M.S., In5D The Alma telescope in Chile captured a very odd anomaly recorded at their observatory that looks like a ring of fire. Officials are calling it an “illusion created by the chance alignment of two distant galaxies.” Gravitational lensing occurs when...