Category: Artifacts

The Lei Lines. Alien artifacts

THE TERM ‘LEY-LINE’, was invented by Alfred Watkins, a British businessman. In 1921 he was looking for interesting features in a regional map when he noticed that many ancient and sacred sites could be placed on a straight line running through the countryside. As he...

Teotihuacan Structures. Alien artifacts

At its peak around 500-600 A.D., Teotihuacan contained perhaps 200,000 people. It was a well planned city covering nearly eight square miles and larger and more advanced than any European city of the time. Its civilization was contemporary with that of ancient Rome, and lasted...

Easter Island. Alien artifacts

Easter Island has long been the subject of curiosity and speculation. How and why did its inhabitants carve and transport the massive statues which surround the island? What remains of this culture today, and what lessons can we learn from their legacy? This page is...

The egyptian pyramids facts

The ancient Egyptians built pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens. The pharaohs were buried in pyramids of many different shapes and sizes from before the beginning of the Old Kingdom to the end of the Middle Kingdom. A view of the Pyramid...

Original Sin and Ancient Astronauts

Original Sin: Have you ever wondered why humans are so violent, warmongering and generally unkind? I did. Actually I made a deep study of it. What I discovered was really interesting. I found out that all traumas are caused by a specific incident(s) that then...

Interview with Giorgio Tsoukalos on Ancient Aliens

Guests: Giorgio Tsoukalos Researcher and publisher Giorgio Tsoukalos discussed the ancient astronaut theory and presented evidence which he believes may prove extraterrestrials visited our planet in the distant past. According to Tsoukalos, the gods and heavenly beings mentioned in ancient religious texts and traditions were...

Ancient Alien Theory – Evidence of Ancient Aliens?

Author Erich von Däniken According to ancient alien theorists, extraterrestrials with superior knowledge of science and engineering landed on Earth thousands of years ago, sharing their expertise with early civilizations and forever changing the course of human history. But how did this concept develop, and...

Nazca Lines. Understanding Them

South America – The Nazca lines stretch across the Nazca plains in Peru, resembling a mammoth map and blueprint. These lines have been carved by ancient astronauts. Peru is synonymous with the Inca civilization. Nazcan lines are enigmatic. The purpose of their creation is still...

The Nazca Lines. Alien artifacts

The Nazca Lines are giant sketches drawn in the desert of western Peru by ancient peoples. The drawings were created on such a large scale is such that the shapes can be readily discerned only from the air, leading to a variety of theories about...

Alien Stonehenge

STONEHENGE Stonehenge is surely Britain’s greatest national icon, symbolizing mystery, power and endurance. Its original purpose is unclear to us, but some have speculated that it was a temple made for the worship of ancient earth deities. It has been called an astronomical observatory for...