Category: Military and UFO

The Carbondale UFO Crash

M.J. GraeberTHE WELL-PUBLICISED Kecksburg, Pennsylvania UFO crash of 1965 has been touted as “Pennsylvania’s Roswell” and presented as a crash recovery story that has been shrouded in a veil of mystery and governmental conspiracy which is intended to keep the truth of the incident from...

From the UFO Casebook Archives

On 25 Aug 74, at 2207 hrs, US Air Defense radar detected an unknown object approaching US airspace from the Gulf of Mexico. Originally the object was tracked at 2,200 (2,530 mph) knots on a bearing of 325 degrees and at an altitude of 75,000...

UFO Crash: Llandrillo, Wales, UK

On the 23rd of January, 1974, an extraordinary event took place in Llandrillo, North Wales, United Kingdom.On a winter’s night, a great terrible noise was heard by many of the village, and the first thing that came to mind was that there had been an...

The Secret KGB UFO Files, The Russian Crash of 1969

The details of a Russian Crash on or about 1969 are sketchy and somewhat suspect. This case comes from the so-called “Secret KGB Files,” which were reportedly smuggled out of the former Soviet Union.Reportedly, $10,000 was paid for the information. The details of these secret...

Shag Harbor UFO Crash

An extraordinary event in 1967 would practically put the small fishing village of Shag Harbor on the map. Located at the southern tip of Nova Scotia, this rural community would be host to one of the best documented UFO events of the past 40 years....

The 1965 Kecksburg, Pennsylvania Crash

What exactly soared through the late afternoon skies of Canada, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania on December 5, 1965? Eye witnesses described the unknown object as a “fireball,” but it seemed to be under some type of intelligent control, as it veered somewhat in Ohio toward...

The Roswell UFO Crash

“Roswell,” the very mention of the word brings images of a crashed UFO, aliens, government cover-up, autopsies, hidden debris, guarded charred bodies, and weather balloons. In the history of UFO reports, no case has received the world-wide attention as the Roswell event of 1947. Not...

UFO Crash and Retrieval – Missouri, 1941

One of the most mysterious stories of a crashed UFO with alien bodies preceded the well known Roswell event by some six years. This case was first brought to investigators by Leo Stringfield in his book “UFO Crash / Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum.”He opened a...

UFO Crash, Mount Pleasant, Iowa

On Oct. 28, 1973, The Hawk Eye included a story from Mount Pleasant resident Clark Linch, 75 at the time but has since died, who related a story that took place in 1920. Linch maintained that at about 10 a.m. on June 3, 1920, he...