2,000 Years Old Conehead Skeleton in Ukraine: A UFO Proof?

You may live comfortably in your everyday un-anomalous world, but rest assured, that un-anomalous world is in itself an anomaly in a quite anomalous universe, all brought to you either by natural or man-made phenomenon.
Ukraine’s Archaeologists made a surprising discovery this week. The first one is the skeleton that was pronounced Conehead. According to the before its news, the remains are roughly two thousand years old. The skeleton with a strangely shaped head was uncovered in Russia’s Stonehenge. The elongated shaped skull drew interest among enthusiasts, who believe that the remains are proof to alien’s existence thousands years ago. Unfortunately, archaeologists refuse the extraterrestrial theory. The skilled specialists denied the presumptions that the skeleton belonged to alien species. They even claimed that the bones belonged to a woman 2,000 years ago. The skull was strangely misshapen, as per accordance on her tribe, called ancient Samarti tribe. According to Maria Makurova, the remains are a form of extra-terrestrial beings. The explanation behind the skull is because of the nature of her tribe to tie the heads of the children with rope.
Also, technology continually advanced through the years, and several individuals possess utilized this to be able to devise all the more hoaxes. Photo Store and video clip editing continues to be highly developed to your point where virtually all ordinary individuals are unable to discern hype from fact. Sceptics connected with extraterrestrial employ these hoaxes to fuel their conviction that aliens will not exist. However, there are bad media for these types of cynics mainly because creating bogus pictures as well as videos do not mean that UFOs cease to exist if they already accomplish. Sightings involving UFOs have been reported for many decades. An amount of them possess even declared that that evidence can be acquired regarding activities with extraterrestrial lifestyle throughout substantial periods of history.

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