Amateur Photographer Snaps Rectangle UFO Near The Statue of Liberty

The images showing a bizarre cassette-shaped UFO have created contrasting opinions between UFO researchers and photo experts. An amateur photographer took several pictures of the strange unidentified flying object and sent them to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), an organization that accepts UFO-related reports and investigates them.
The UFO sighting pictures show an unusual sight, which the photographer doesn’t notice when he snaps the famous New York landmark. According to the report of the unnamed witness, he was on the base of the Statue of Liberty shooting photos of New York.
It was cold, and the skies were clear during the sighting, the witness said. He reportedly used two different cameras to take pictures.
When the witness got back to his hotel and reviewed the images, he noticed a large cassette-like object floating over the bay and city. Interestingly, in every other photo, the witness saw the object getting further from him.
The witness reiterated that at the moment he snapped the photos; he observed nothing in the sky. He said that there were no parachutes, no airplanes, or any other activities, other than the police patrolling the bay.
MUFON marks the case as unresolved.
While it’s hard to establish the object’s identity, photo experts are skeptical on the cases similar to this one – when nothing was observed while the image was shot. They usually argue that it’s likely to be an internal camera anomaly, lens flare, or smudge on the lens.
But some UFO researchers are convinced that it is an alien craft powered by extra terrestrials. They even claim to have noticed two other UFOs in one of the photos, although one of them looks to be a building roof in the distant skyline.
These UFO researchers even claimed that those UFOs were only revealed because they were caught in the digital eye. The human eye probably can’t see them, they further stated. They explained that the camera probably had an IR filter or any other the same filter over the lens that allowed it to see the UFOs.

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