Wild theory Ancient civilisation used sound energy to ‘LEVITATE and contact aliens’

ONE of mankind’s earliest civilisation used sound energy to levitate and contact aliens, according to bizarre new claims.

The extraordinary theory, which has been gaining traction among conspiracy theorists, is based on archaeological sites in southern Africa.

In a video that was posted online on Monday, the narrator explains the Sumerian civilisation may have inhabited parts of southern Africa thousands of years ago.

The Sumers are one of the earliest known civilisations known to walk the Earth, dating as far back as 3,000BC.

But they are thought to be behind weird circular structures found mostly in modern day Mozambique, which are said to generate energy using naturally formed sound waves.

These weird man-made patterns, located 90 miles west of the port of Maputo, were engineered in what are thought to be ancient cities.

Some of the frequencies recorded are believed to reach more than 380 gigahertz – far greater than any levels generated by machines today.

And vibrations at the site might be have been strong enough to enable levitation, it is claimed.

Conspiracy theorists are now insisting these might have been used to contact extraterrestrial life-forms.

Commenting on the video, one pointed out: “Sound is one of the most abundant forms of free energy on the planet.

“It is the primordial source of all things and is the common denominator of all creation.

“With that being said, if an extraterrestrial race wanted to harvest energy from the planet, it could create such energy with sound.

“Sound was used as energy to levitate objects in order to create the monuments that opened vortices which allowed spacecraft to come and go.”

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