Mysterious object from deep space has entered our solar system – sparking ‘alien spacecraft’ theories

A VISITOR from far, far away has entered our solar system.

Stargazers have spotted a mysterious object which appears to be an asteroid from way out in deep space.

It is believed to have been the first of its kind to come from outside the solar system.

There were dozens of sightings of the hurtling object this week but experts grew confused over why it didn’t seem to be circling our sun.

But they quickly began to suspect it had swooped in from the constellation Lyra, before making a quick loop and zooming back out into space, never to return.

The Minor Planet Centre, which is funded by Nasa, named the comet Asteroid 2017 U1 after spotting it as it passed Earth on 14 October.

The object was initially thought to be a comet made from gas and ice, but was later deemed to be a rocky asteroid.

It has a diameter of 160m and was moving at the impressive speed of 26km per second.

Simon Porter, from Southwest Research Institute, said: “It’s coming from very far away, but we can’t actually backtrack how far away it started.

“It could be that it’s coming from outside the solar system, but it’s really hard to tell.”

But one spaced out website had a wilder suggestion about its origin.

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