10 Mysterious Ancient Caves That Could Re-Write History

– Many extraordinary artifacts, mysterious undeciphered symbols and traces of unknown civilizations have been discovered hidden in ancient caves around the world. Sometimes archaeologists have come across objects that raise a number of unanswered questions about our distant past

In this top list we examine ten most mysterious ancient caves that could re-write history as we know it.

In the vicinity of Meteora, a beautiful and strange rock formation in ancient Greece there area number of intriguing ancient caves. One of them is the Theopetra Cave. It’s a unique archaeological site.

The Theopetra Cave, located at the foot of the Chasia mountain range, which forms the natural boundary between Thessaly and Macedonia prefectures, holds many ancient secrets. It was inhabited by humans 130,000 years ago. At this site we also find the oldest known example of a man-made structure, a stone wall that blocked two-thirds of the entrance to the Theopetra Cave. Scientists estimate the ancient stone wall was constructed 23,000 years ago, probably as a barrier against cold winds. During this period the Earth was experiencing an ice age and many Paleolithic and Neolithic artifacts have been found within the caves. Excavations of the Theopetra Cave began in 1987 and over the years many remarkable discoveries have been made at this ancient place. Read more

The Royston Cave Hertfordshire, England is a small circular, bell-shaped chamber cut into the chalk bedrock.

Inside the cave there are several mysterious carvings that remain unexplained and some have even suggested that cave holds the secret of the Holy Grail.

It has been speculated that it was used by the Knights Templar, who founded nearby Baldock. There are numerous theories about the cave covering Freemasons and Templars as well as possibilities that the cave was a prison or an anchorite cell. However, so far none of the theories have been confirmed.

Royston’s unique cave is remarkably engraved with religious figures, pagan and Masonic symbols. The Royston Cave and its true story remains an unsolved mystery. Read more

Is it just a coincidence or do certain laws of nature lie behind the phenomenon, reported by explorers researching the ancient Mystical Caves at Huashan, near the famous Huangshan Mountain in China’s Anhui Province.

A most mysterious discovery is the slope of the caves. The inclined plane of the walls has exactly the same slope as the outside hill.

Yet according to the technology of that time, how could the ancient people have managed that?

The history and purposes of Huashan Caves – accidentally discovered by a local farmer – are now untraceable due to the lack of any words in books or on cave walls describing their use.

All the Huashan Caves, each ranging from 10 meters to 20 meters in height and according to tests made on manually chiselled stones, the caves have existed for more than 1,700 years.

More Great Top ListsStone chambers – in various shapes – such as an elephant or a boot – support the ceiling. These chambers – filled with water, and some are two-story chambers are connected by way of corridors.

Altogether 36 caves have been found among the rolling Huashan hills, near the crystal-clear Xin’an River.

Deep inside, there is a crystal-clear pool but no living fish live there due to the high mineral content.

The neatly chiselled walls and roofs, the big pillars and stone stairs, indicate that the caves were dug by men.

Yet nobody knows for what purpose the ancient people excavated them. Read more

Ellora is also world famous for the largest single rock-cut temple, the Kailasa Temple – named in honor of the sacred mountain dwelling place of Shiva in the Himalayas. However, much information about the cave temples of India is controversial and very uncertain. It is also uncertain when they were excavated and by whom.Some of them may be much older than it is believed, and a number of them were most probably reused and restyled.

The temples of Ellora demonstrate remarkable building capabilities of an ancient people. It represents a marvelous example of the highest quality of Indian rock-cut architecture. Some experts on India’s cave temples admit openly that still almost nothing is known about their origins and builders. Read more

Did early Homo sapiens exist in China at the same time when Homo erectus (the “Peking Man”) occupied Zhoukoudian site located near Beijing?

The Panxian Dadong is a Paleolithic karst cavern located in a small valley 1630 m above sea level on the western Guizhou Plateau, Southern China.

Humans were present at Panxian Dadong Cave about 300,000 years ago and so were also gigantic animals. But scientists are baffled over how these animals could reach a mountain cave located over 1600m above sea level! Read more

Remarkable prehistoric treasures are hidden in caves in America, according to many stories.

Some of these secret underground chambers hold the key to our history and certain unknown and extremely ancient races that once in the distant past inhabited this planet.

Many years ago, a man set out on a gold-hunting expedition, but he did not discover gold… What he found was much more valuable than precious metal. It was a discovery that could rewrite our history books…

In the desert of California it is said there are artifacts and mummies that could belong to a very old and unknown civilization. “There are spots along the canyon of the Rio Colorado, where arrows cut deeply into the face of the sheer walls can be seen in certain lights and incidents of the solar rays. They are, by roamers who go haunting treasure westwards across the Gila Desert and unpeopled, thirststricken and heat-crazed Arizona, believed to be pointers towards ancient caches of unknown and extremely ancient races, and, it may be, are memorials of the unknown race whose buried temples, lofty stone pyramids, seven of them within a mile square, and massive granite rings and dwellings, circular walls round venerable trees, and blocks of hieroglyphics, speak of ruins of some very ancient Egypt, or Phoenicia of the wild region, at the head of the Gulf of California, “a day march from San Diego”, in 1850, when they were discovered,” wrote Harold Wilkins in his book Mysteries of Ancient South America.

Many American Indians have on several occasions related stories of how their ancestors emerged from underground. Certain tribes maintain that they still retain intimate knowledge with underground civilizations related to them via distant ancestral links.

Is it possible that the men Frank White encountered during his expedition were old ancestors of the Indians? Read more

Humans inhabited the Tibetan Plateau at least 21,000 years ago, so there must be plenty of very old artifacts and ancient relics hidden in the Tibetan caves, tunnels, dark subterranean passages and other mysterious areas, of which many have not even been localized. Some of Piyang can be still considered as places of habitation, while others are possibly used ritually or serve as meditation places governed by gods and spirits.

The world famous Denisova Cave in the Altai Mountains is a place where a series of stunning scientific discoveries on man’s origins have been made in recent years. The significance of the cave is immense, and the experts are convinced it has more secrets to give up on human origins. Here in 2008 was discovered a finger bone fragment of ‘X woman’, a juvenile female who lived around 41,000 years ago, analysis of which indicated that she was genetically distinct from Neanderthals and modern humans.

This previously unknown and long extinct hominin species or subspecies was christened Denisovan after this cave. In 2010 analysis on an upper molar from a young adult, found in the cave ten years previously, was also from a Denisovan.In 2011, a toe bone contemporary with the finger was found with the mitochondrial DNA suggesting it belonged to a Neanderthal, not a Denisovan. Tools from modern man have been found in the cave, too.As scientist Svante Paabo, from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, said: ‘The one place where we are sure all three human forms have lived at one time or another is here in Denisova Cave.’

In England there are many ancient places shrouded in mystery.

In a desolate Cornish landscape, there are still some mysterious ancient caves left. These caves, which appear frequently in Cornish folklore have kept their secret for over 3,000 years. Who created them and for what purpose?

People who visited the caves say that they witnessed strange light phenomenon. The visitors also heard unusual sounds, and they experienced extraordinary visions inside or in the close vicinity of these remarkable caves.

Our ancestors were aware of Earth’s energy and the power it carries. Therefore, they built a number of sacred monuments on so-called power spots. These sites are so powerful that they actually cause various physical reactions. Perhaps this could explain the remarkable effect the caves had on their visitors…

The caves we are referring to are known as Fougus. The name derives from fogo and fócw, meaning ‘Cave’ in Cornish and Celtic languages.

In most cases, these caves have a curved roof passage leading to an underground part of the structure where an adjoining chamber is reached through what is known as a “creep” passage. Additionally, it has been noted that in most cases the main passage is astronomically aligned.

Although it is commonly believed that the existing Fogous are dated to about 500 BC.

It is still unclear to what purpose they were used. Read more

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