Tagged: ancient alien artifacts

Ancient Astronauts: Why Haven’t They Come Back?

Many people today believe that mankind was visited in ancient times by astronauts from other planets. There is significant evidence that renders this a plausible theory, including monolithic structures such as the pyramids that it is hard to believe were built with ancient techniques alone....

MARS, The Red Planet

(Updates to this page are added at bottom: Check for new info and pictures there.) In 1976, the Viking 1 Orbiter took the first photographs of the Cydonia region of Mars, showing what appeared to be a humanoid face one mile long and 1,500 feet...

Tiwanaku Alien and the Nazca Lines

Author: Morten St. George A few years ago I saw a directory listing with a description of something like: “I was abducted by aliens last summer. It really happened.” Though I had a lot of interest in aliens, I did not even consider visiting that...

The Ancient UFOs Seen On Earth

When reading a while back about UFOs it always stuck in my mind that on New Year’s Day in 1254 the monks at St.Albans in England sighted ‘a kind of ship flying’ in the sky that was ‘large, elegantly shaped and of a marvellous colour.’...

The Lei Lines. Alien artifacts

THE TERM ‘LEY-LINE’, was invented by Alfred Watkins, a British businessman. In 1921 he was looking for interesting features in a regional map when he noticed that many ancient and sacred sites could be placed on a straight line running through the countryside. As he...

Teotihuacan Structures. Alien artifacts

At its peak around 500-600 A.D., Teotihuacan contained perhaps 200,000 people. It was a well planned city covering nearly eight square miles and larger and more advanced than any European city of the time. Its civilization was contemporary with that of ancient Rome, and lasted...