Tagged: dinosaurs

Dinosaur Extinction

Dinosaurs became extinct at the end of the Cretaceous Period. How and why is a puzzle that paleontologists are trying to solve by studying fossils and rock formations. These fossils and rock formations do not give all the facts, so scientists must take the information...

Could Dinosaurs Swim?

If you pick up a dinosaur picture book written before the 1970s, you’ll probably see lots of swimming dinosaurs. Giant dinosaurs like Apatosaurus and Diplodocus used to be depicted as water dwellers. Their bodies were so big, scientists argued, that their legs couldn’t have supported...

Dinosaurs were warm-blooded, shocking study says

It’s a discovery 65 million years in the making. Despite most scientists generally accepting that dinosaurs were cold-blooded creatures, a new study suggests they were in fact warm-blooded. The research, published in Science Advances, looks at fossilized eggshells of the terrible lizards and found that...

Dinosaurs may have turned to cannibalism in hard times, study shows

Some dinosaurs that were facing a resource-scarce environment in present-day Colorado resorted to scavenging and possibly cannibalism, a new study showed. According to a study published Wednesday in the journal PLOS ONE, tooth marks on fossil bones revealed the ancient beasts’ eating habits, which possibly...

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Paleoart

“Shared passion for an obscure topic is what binds scientists and artists,” celebrated paleoartist Ray Troll tells us in an email. “They’re both curiosity-driven.” He would know. Based in Alaska, Troll builds on scientific findings to create art that depicts prehistoric life. Through paleoart, fossils...

Do these images ‘Prove’ Humans coexisted with dinosaurs?

Dinosaurs are believed to have ruled over the planet some 65 million years ago. Their ‘rule’ came to an abrupt end when a massive asteroid impacted Earth, kick-starting a series of events that nearly wiped out all life on the planet. When the 6-mile-wide (10...