Tagged: kidnapping

The Hill Abduction

On the evening of September 19, 1961, while driving home to Portsmouth through rural New Hampshire, Barney and Betty Hill sighted a pancake-shaped UFO with a double row of windows. At one point they stopped their car, and Barney got out for a better look....

The terrible alien abductions happened in Alaska

Human abductions by aliens have always fascinated humankind right through history. No one knows for sure how true it is. However, there have been sporadic incidents of suspected human abductions by aliens. We are referring to the spate of unexplained incidents that happened in Alaska....

The most horrible alien abduction in the human history

Man has always believed that there are extraterrestrial species in outer space. No one might have seen them. However, certain incidents do point out to the presence of such extraterrestrial intelligence. We shall focus our attention to a particular case of abduction in Guarapiranga river...

Police Officer Herbert Schirmer Abduction

1967 Alien Abduction Case of a Nebraska Police Officer On December 3, 1967, around 2:30 a.m., in the vicinity of Ashland, Nebraska, police sergeant Herbert Schirmer, 22, noticed some red lights along Highway 63. Thinking that it was a stopped truck he approached and shown...