Tagged: Pluto

Our Closest Look Ever at Pluto’s Weird, Beautiful Surface

Before 1930, Pluto was a mathematical prediction. Astronomers had spent 149 years watching Uranus’s wonky orbit and estimating what must be out there in the far reaches of our solar system, majestically mucking things up. Neptune was identified as a planet in 1846, but even...

Pluto: Is It a Planet After All?

This artist’s rendering shows how Pluto, on the right, might look from a position high above its equator. To the left and beyond Pluto is Charon, its satellite moon. The bright star between Pluto and Charon is Polaris, the north star, which hangs directly over...

Closer Look On Dunes Discovered In Sputnik Planitia Region Of Pluto

Scientists have discovered dunes on Pluto, which are believed to have been formed of methane ice grains released into its rarefied atmosphere. An international team of geographers, physicists and planetary scientists have analyzed detailed images of the dwarf planet’s surface, captured in July 2015 by...

New Dwarf Planet Discovered Far Beyond Pluto’s Orbit

Pluto isn’t quite as lonely as scientists had thought. Astronomers have discovered another dwarf planet in the Kuiper Belt, the ring of icy objects beyond Neptune. But this newfound world, dubbed 2015 RR245, is much more distant than Pluto, orbiting the sun once every 700...

Closer Look On Dunes Discovered In Sputnik Planitia Region Of Pluto

Scientists have discovered dunes on Pluto, which are believed to have been formed of methane ice grains released into its rarefied atmosphere. An international team of geographers, physicists and planetary scientists have analyzed detailed images of the dwarf planet’s surface, captured in July 2015 by...

Is Pluto A Planet Or Not? New Research Says – Yes

Then, in 2006, a group of experts from the International Astronomical Union established a definition of a planet and according this new classification, Pluto lost its planet status. Since Neptune’s gravity influences its neighboring planet Pluto, and Pluto shares its orbit with frozen gases and...